Saturday, June 21, 2008


Dogs are definitely one of my favorite things. Some dogs, like our dog Mickey, are put here on earth I think for only one reason: to make us happy! They love their owners with true devotion, welcome you home like you are the Queen or King of an important empire, and look at you with affection as if you are the premier of all species , ever !

Mickey came into my life on Saturday June 13th of 1992. Our dog of 10 years, Wyon, had died suddenly the Saturday before, and I was suffering in a dogless world, and mourning my 'ole friend.

Although I loved Wyon for all he was, I decided that the pain of losing him was so worth the 10 years of joy he gave me. He was however, a mutt (a great "breed"!), but he got much bigger than was anticipated, and his coat shed 12 months of the year. I decided that our (the "Former" and me) next dog would be somewhat smaller, so that it's wagging tail wouldn't wipe the contents of the coffee table clean, and would shed very little or not at all. After going through the books of dog breeds, and searching the St. Louis Post classified section for an entire 6 whole days, a Westie we named Mickey was found.

I don't know about you, but once you actually get in the car and drive to a breeder's home filled with anticipation, it's all but impossible to come home dogless! So that's how Mickey and I met. We had 16 1/2 wonderful years together. He went with us to the houseboat in Kentucky frequently where he had a doggie life vest, and in our own pool, he loved to get on a raft and float around.

When our only child was born, Mickey watched over him like a momma bird with her chicks. He put up with a crawling toddler, his tail being tugged and pulled, and never once showed teeth. Although I never did, I probably could have left the baby with Mickey as to run to the store with full assurance that all would be fine upon my return.

As the toddler became a little boy, Mickey became his best pal and older "brother", as he was called. As the years went by they were always side by side.

So when Mickey grew so old that his joints were stiff, his stomach touchy (had to get "senior" mega expensive dog food), lost his hearing and sight in one eye, we continued to love him , made up our own dog sign language, and caredfor him gingerly. He developed tumors of the hair follicles, which were so visually offensive and bled often, yet we loved him even more.

Vet visits were frequent and costly. Then the tumors really took over and would not heal and the vet said perhaps it was time to say goodbye to our beloved Mickey. I had seen it coming for about 6 months, but when Dr. Raab actually said it, I knew it was time. That was a Friday, and we set the appointment for the following Friday. Bad week, a really bad week.

So the little boy, who is now a teenager, and I went to Dr. Raab's at 2:oo on Friday, May 30th. It was all terribly sad as you can imagine. it was time to say good bye to a part of our family. I'll save the details to spare you....

Even though we had acquired another dog along the way, "Girlie Girl", whom we love dearly, the house still seemed so empty when we came home. It stayed that way too. A huge part of us was now gone and the emptiness was terribly saddening.

Of course I have the perspective that he was "only a dog". Both of my parents are gone now, as is my older brother. However, Mickey was there for me for all of those losses, and he licked the salted tears from my cheeks and sat by my side silently but lovingly, as though he knew my heart was broken.

Fast forward...

Next thing you know Murray entered our lives....... He, in his puppy ways, has brought light and life back to the house, but I still miss our sweet, good ole Mickey!
What a great guy he was.

Yeah, dogs are definitely one of my favorite things.

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