Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Peonies are my number one favorite plant of all time; my love for them began at a defining moment in my life and has proceeded to build in importance continually, and takes me back spiritually to the lovliest place of all....before adulthood, when all my loved ones surrounded me, not still a child yet not quite a reponsible adult.

My first real appreciation of this fine species was when my parents bought a farm in the country in 1979. The first time they took me there I was in awe of all things country: the long, tree lined gravel lane; the creek with an ole wooden bridge, the open grasses that would later lead Mac (a quarter horse)and me over the river and thru the woods....

But the beauty I found most profound that day were the Peony "bushes" in full bloom! At that moment a love affair began that continues to this day.

Peonies will always send me to such a beautiful, serene moment in time.

Nothing else in nature can compare to their aroma that sucks me in like a butterfly to pollen. The blooms, no matter what variety they are, are the most glorious works of art that only the Master would be capable of creating.

How ironic then it is, that Mother Nature provides both the Peony's best advocate and it's most horrific enemy in one source: rain!

But isn't that the way life is as well? The ones you love the most can bring the greatest pain you'll ever know. However if we never loved at all, we wouldn't know that kind of pain.

When I see the beautiful Peonies in late spring I think of all things wonderful, past and present and dwell happily.

The Peonies after a hard rain bring to me reflection that all beauty does not last forever and must be appreciated at that moment, and treasured forever.

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